A lot of time was invested in models and FDE's to get apearance & performance close to real. The intention is when you fly these models it would be like the real plane.

Comments and suggestions: narcizo@linhalivre.net or rancho_jen@ibest.com.br and we will reply soon as possible.
If you like this model vote to EMB_110.ZIP (not 111) at http://www.SurClaro/cgi/kds/main/vote-dev.htm

- Textures included are 8 bits reflexive but support 32 bits with alpha channel.
- Windshield wiper animated.

- Unzip the files in a temporary folder with the option "use folder names" tagged;
- check to be sure these files and sub-folders were created:
- model
- panel
- sound
- texture
- Aircraft.cfg
- Emb_111_check.htm
- Emb_111_ref.htm
- Emb 111.air
- Readme.txt
- Leiame.txt
- File_id.diz (not necessary)

- move the entire temporary folder to your FS aircraft folder.
- check again the new folder created.
Start Flight Simulator and search for your new airplane. If it doesn't appear on list, set ANY on AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURER tag.

We suggest download the package "emb120sn.zip" (by Aaron R. Swindle) for more realistic sound. Do a search at www.simviation.com or www.SurClaro

The panel.cfg is point to Emb 110. If do not have it, use the Windows Notepad to change to Beech King Air. In that case, the Virtual cockpit will not work fine.
To download the 110 go to authorized websites and do a search for Emb_110.ZIP or Emb_110P.ZIP

The wiper is only visible on spot view mode and use's a logo light switch - so, if you press "L" (all lights) it will turn on/off.

Thank you for downloading my model.

Just delete the entire folder "Emb 111"

These files are totally free and have no warranty. It was tested in many others computers and works fine. But I cannot guarantee anything. If you choose to use it, you agree to do so at your own risk.

You are welcome to repaint this model as long as it remains freeware and follow three things:
- Upload only textures, not the entire package.
- Do not apply reflective effect in PARTS.BMP and PARTSVC.BMP.
- You aren´t obligated upload new textures only to authorized sites (see legal warning) but, let me know where it will be.

Copyright: RanchoJEN models - Brazil

This software is FREEWARE - you don't have to pay anything for it.
Any commercial use (including upload to a pay-to-enter site and any other use in wich a money exchange is involved) IS PROHIBITED without the author's permission.
Also any repacking, reworking or any kind of manipulation of these files is not allowed.
The only athorized sites for this package are:
- simviation.com
- SurClaro
- fsimcafe.com
- livewireairlines.com.
Others needs previous athorization from RanchoJEN.

All models by RanchoJEN have a little LOGO on right side of fuse, under the horizontal stabilizer.